Parenting by Post
“Look at Johnny at the museum.”
“Susie loves the international folklore festival.”
“Listen to Jack at his violin lessons.”
Parenting has become a series of Facebook posts, a photo scavenger hunt to see who can outpost the last person. Posting uber parenting moments has a benefit, a benefit to you. You will feel good reading the string of comments about what a wonderful parent you are and how great, gifted, enriched and beautiful your child is.
The question is, are you being a wonderful parent by breaking the moment to share it? Do these posts have a purpose? Do people need to know what you are doing? By highlighting isolated highs in your life are you making others feel like they are underperforming?
Do yourself, your child and friends a favor. Next time you are enjoying a special moment, leave your phone off, stay in the moment and know that you are a great parent for doing it.
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /