Stop “Trying” to be Healthy

Be Healthy

Are you suffering from low energy? Do you need to lose weight? Having trouble staying focused?   Today there is a book or a diet claiming to cure whatever ails you.  An industry has been created to sell you the right answer; Amazon alone has over 500,000 books on health and diet.  The pressure to jump on the latest bandwagon is real, you can’t log into Facebook without following someone’s latest paleo creation, gluten free trick or intense fashionable workout.

We all have different DNA, metabolism, lifestyles and emotional issues, so there is not one diet or plan that is going to be the universal magic cure for the population of the world.  Our individual constitutions determine what nutrients we need and how we can or can’t absorb them.  We don’t have the same body type, fitness level or medical conditions so there is no reason to think the same fitness routine would be appropriate for everyone.

Many of the popular diet trends have positive short term result, or they would not gain popularity, but over the long term by limiting foods you are limiting nutrients to your body.  What a body needs is variety.  A variety of protein sources, a variety of fruits and vegetables, a variety of grains, a variety of spices and a variety of physical activity.

Enjoy that piece of cheese but eat a different type every time and don’t deny yourself that slice of bread but try a loaf of spelt for a change.  Throw out the books and DVDs and stop “trying” to be healthy.

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Parenting by Post

family photo“Look at Johnny at the museum.”

“Susie loves the international folklore festival.”

“Listen to Jack at his violin lessons.”

Parenting has become a series of Facebook posts, a photo scavenger hunt to see who can outpost the last person.  Posting uber parenting moments has a benefit, a benefit to you. You will feel good reading the string of comments about what a wonderful parent you are and how great, gifted, enriched and beautiful your child is.

The question is, are you being a wonderful parent by breaking the moment to share it?   Do these posts have a purpose?  Do people need to know what you are doing?  By highlighting isolated highs in your life are you making others feel like they are underperforming?

Do yourself, your child and friends a favor.  Next time you are enjoying a special moment, leave your phone off, stay in the moment and know that you are a great parent for doing it.




Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /

Read More releases new eBook “Home Is Where The Healing Begins”

ShareHome_is_where_the_healing_begins_FINALcoverNewly Released!
“Home Is Where The Healing Begins, Even For A Family With Special Needs Children!” is a work of observation and from our hearts. This book is the first in a series and is $1.99 to download.

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Over the years, we have repeatedly witnessed certain un-serving behavioral patterns causing so much loss of heart-to-heart connection and a fragile home life. We felt the need to share our knowledge and experience to help you create a loving environment in all relationships, including parent and child, and adult to adult. Some of these patterns occur in many families, but we have seen them magnified greatly in families with a non-typical child.

This book addresses some of the common un-serving behavioral patterns and the undesireable consequences. We hope to bring new awareness to help stop this cycle. Our goal with this book is to help you meet any person exactly where they are, bring new wisdom and ease to any relationship.

Copyright © 2012-2013 by Patricia Leat and Marissa Joven

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